the flowers speak, A-H
- Apple blossom -- "I prefer you to all others"
- Bachelor button -- hopeful love
- Camellia, pink -- "I long for you"
- Camellia, red -- passionate love
- Camellia, white -- "you are adorable"
- Carnation, pink -- "I will remember you always"
- Carnation, red -- "I ache for you"
- Chrysanthemum, red -- love
- Chrysanthemum, white -- "I speak truly"
- Daffodil -- "You are the one for me", but also, unrequited love
- Daisy -- steadfast love
- Forget-me-not -- the name says it all
- Forsythia -- anticipation
- Gardenia -- secret love, and "you are beautiful"
- Gloxinia -- love at first sight
- Hibiscus -- "you are beautiful"
- Honeysuckle -- sweet, steadfast love
- Hyacinth, blue -- faithful love
- Hyacinth, pink -- playful affection
- Hyacinth, red -- passionate and playful
- Hyacinth, white -- "you are lovely"
The flowers I-Z. Next page.

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