aromas and fragrances
To get the most out of scents for promoting
love and romance:
- DO use herbs and essential oils in potpourris, sachets, herbal pillows, and diffusers.
- Create sachets of rose, jasmine, lavender, and other scents that you enjoy and place in your
lingerie drawer.
- Create a decorative herbal pillow with jasmine, musk, or other scents and place on your bed.
- Purchase perfumes featuring a particular scent and spray your sheets lightly (not too much).
- Use bath oils with jasmine or other aroma promoting love and passion. Bathe before your date
with the bath oil (not with the essential oil).
- Buy massage oils with the appropriate scent and give your lover a sensuous massage. Jasmine,
rose, lavender, vanilla, and cinnamon are excellent scents.
- Combine the herbs or essential oils to achieve a mixture of effects. See the next page for some ideas.
Now, for some general information about potpourris, sachets, and herb pillows.
Next page.

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