aromas and fragrances
The list below identifies common fragrances
and the moods they inspire. Refer to this list
to set the romantic scene you desire.
Read on for how to use essential oils and herbs. Next page.
Fragrance List
- Apple
- Relaxes and enhances loving feelings.
- Basil
- Promotes happiness.
- Bay
- Stimulates and invigorates.
- Bayberry
- Good fortune at home (bedroom).
- Bergamot
- Releases past love hurts, opens heart to new joy.
- Birch
- Relaxes and promotes love.
- Cedarwood
- Increases confidence.
- Chamomile
- Improves communication.
- Cinnamon
- Boosts focus, intensifies desires.
- Clove
- Removes negative influences, sharpens mental passions.
- Coriander
- Enhances desire.
- Eucalyptus
- Heals depression and invigorates.
- Frankencense
- Removes destructive habits and patterns.
- Geranium
- Promotes courage, confidence, and success.
- Ginger
- Increases passion.
- Honeysuckle
- Aids intuition, promotes sensuousness
- Jasmine
- The scent of love and passion! Attracts love, builds passion.
- Lavender
- Promotes love, romance.
- Lemon
- Invigorates.
- Lilac
- Encourages decision making.
- Musk
- Increases self assurance, confidence, and strength. Heightens passion.
- Nutmeg
- Increases desire, especially for men.
- Orange
- Creates a harmonious atmosphere; boosts power.
- Peach
- Increases sensuousness.
- Peppermint
- Invigorates and stimulates.
- Pine
- Cleanses negative influences.
- Rose
- Another scent for love, passion, desire and romance.
- Rosemary
- Enhances concentration and mental focus.
- Sage
- Removes negative energy.
- Strawberry
- Increases pleasure.
- Vanilla
- Vitalizes, brings good fortune, increases passion in older men.

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