aphrodisiacs - fruit
These fruits have the following characteristics.
- Apricot
- Plump and sweet flavored, apricots where thought by the Chinese
to indicate a romantic, sensual nature.
- Banana
- Shape, sweetness, and texture -- nothing more needs to be said!
- Cherry
- Especially for women, these delectable fruits are said to arouse
- Date
- Rich and exotic, dates are also considered aphrodisiacs for women.
- Peach
- Succulent, juicy, and flavorful, a ripe peach is a sensual treat
and promotes interest in other sensual treats!
- Pear
- A ripe pear, dripping sweet juice, mmmmm.
- Fig
- A soft, ripe fig has an incredible sweet flavor. Just
perfect for sharing with your love.
- Papaya
- Tropical and exotic, excellent for nibbling.
- Strawberry
- Just-picked, perfect strawberries are ideal for dipping in
chocolate, or savoring on their own.

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