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valentine be mine

valentine's day

cute, whimsical, funny ... all kind of valentines...

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Title: Jeweled Heart - Valentine's Gift Box - Just the Right Shoe 25235
Price: $20.00

Title: Sweetheart Candy Shop - Department 56 55323
Price: $50.00

Title: Valentine's Day - Precious Moments Gifts 114174
Price: $18.45

Title: Sealed with a Kiss - Dreamsicles 20314
Price: $17.00

Title: M&M's Be Mine Valentine's House - Department 56 59325
Price: $20.00

Title: Valentine Boy Mouse - Small - Annalee 034105
Price: $19.50

Title: Valentine Surprise Mouse - Annalee 0343 99
Price: $46.02

Title: Loving You Dear Valentine - Girl - Precious Moments PM874
Price: $44.96

Title: I'm Completely Suspended With Love - Precious Moments 526096S
Price: $28.50

Title: God Is Love Dear Valentine - Girl - Precious Moments E7154
Price: $49.95

Title: King Of My Heart - Charming Tails 84/113
Price: $16.00

Title: Be My Valentine - Pocket Dragons 02938
Price: $25.00

Title: Hold My Hand Frame - Dreamsicles 12034
Price: $25.00

Title: Be My Valentine - Pocket Dragons 002938
Price: $25.00

Title: Love Bunny Ornament - Annalee 030802
Price: $30.68

Title: Hearts & Blooms Cottage - Department 56 55097
Price: $50.00

Title: Valentine's Decorating Set - Department 56 53020
Price: $37.82

Title: True Love - Poliday Ornaments AV02
Price: $15.49

Title: Wedding Day - Poliday Ornaments BV13
Price: $10.98

Title: Mouse Gift Bag - Annalee 031703
Price: $20.00

Title: My Heart Belongs to You - Dreamsicles 20211
Price: $25.23

Title: Love Gives Us Wings - Dreamsicles 20221
Price: $18.00

Title: Kisses - 25 Cents Set Of 2 - Department 56 55215
Price: $25.00

Title: You've Won My Heart - Dreamsicles 20313
Price: $25.00

Title: Lovie - Boyds Plush 82043
Price: $9.00

Title: Your Love Means The World To Me - Precious Moments 111896
Price: $37.50

Title: Valentine Girl Bear - Annalee 038604
Price: $17.00

Title: Luvey B. Bear - Boyds Plush 82061
Price: $17.00

Title: I Give You My Heart - Cherished Teddies 0000809
Price: $15.00

Title: Girl with Heart - Frame - Precious Moments Gifts 120182
Price: $15.00

Title: Cuddles - Poliday Ornaments BV25
Price: $10.98

Title: Valentine Girl Mouse - Small - Annalee 034005
Price: $19.50

Title: Rose Charm - Poliday Ornaments BV21
Price: $13.98

Title: Be Mine - Wee Forest Folk M-80A
Price: $44.00

Title: Friends Forever - Dreamsicles 12012
Price: $25.00

Title: Stolen Kiss Frame - Dreamsicles 12028
Price: $25.00

Title: Sweet Heart - Poliday Ornaments BV17
Price: $8.98

Title: Hearts Flutter - Dreamsicles 20192
Price: $12.00

Title: A Perfect Fit - Dreamsicles 20318
Price: $19.00

Title: Viola in Her Valentine - Annalee 0392 99
Price: $38.50

Title: Everlove's Dandy Candy with Sweettooth McNibble - Boyds Bearstones 82021
Price: $25.00

Title: Valentine's Day - Precious Moments Gifts 114173
Price: $10.50

Title: Stuck By Love - Dreamsicles 20303
Price: $15.00

Title: Queen Of My Heart - Charming Tails 84/114
Price: $16.00

Title: Luv U This Much Bear - Annalee 0383 01
Price: $27.50

Title: Lovin' Spoonful - Dreamsicles 12021
Price: $15.00

Title: True Love - Poliday Ornaments BV07
Price: $8.98

Title: Rotating Message Picture Frame - Russ 29413
Price: $25.00

Title: Just for You - Dreamsicles 20210
Price: $16.50

Title: Our Love Grows - Dreamsicles 20311
Price: $13.00

Title: Chapel Of Love - Department 56 55354
Price: $50.00

Title: Wuvey U. Bear - Boyds Plush 82062
Price: $13.00

Title: Valentine Girl Mouse - Large - Annalee 035805
Price: $29.00

Title: You're Special - Dreamsicles 12013
Price: $25.00

Title: Sweet As Candy Gem - Christopher Radko Ornaments 02-0951-0
Price: $41.14

Title: Red Velvet - Poliday Ornaments BV16
Price: $8.98

Title: A Happy Valentine - Ne'Qwa Art EG-BL-389
Price: $37.50

Title: Heart Felt Girl Mouse - Annalee 0340 00
Price: $44.12

Title: Small But Sincere - Pooh & Friends 1205641
Price: $38.35

Title: Jenny...The Bigger The Heart The More Love It Can Hold - Cherished Teddies 199877
Price: $27.50

Title: My Cuddly Cupid - Dreamsicles 20304
Price: $25.00

Title: Captive Heart - Just the Right Shoe 25490
Price: $20.00

Title: Our Friendship Has Always Been Write On - Precious Moments 120119
Price: $25.00

Title: Glass Red Heart Vase - International Silversmiths 99114054
Price: $20.00

Title: Sweetheart Elf - Annalee 0367 99
Price: $42.00

Title: Valentine Wishes - Dreamsicles 11500
Price: $28.01

Title: Love Is In The Air - Christopher Radko Ornaments 01-0517-0
Price: $46.00

Title: Taffie Family - Mother on Left - Russ 20469
Price: $46.02

Title: Valentine's Love - SnoWonders 7836
Price: $34.52

Title: Petal Perfect - Christopher Radko Ornaments 1010057
Price: $46.02

Title: Romance - Poliday Ornaments BV06
Price: $10.98

Title: Valentine's Day - Precious Moments Gifts 114172
Price: $15.85

Title: Love Is Being with You - Dreamsicles 20312
Price: $14.00

Title: Love Bunny - Pink - Annalee 035104
Price: $25.00

Title: XO Vase - Precious Moments Gifts 120180
Price: $15.00

Title: Valentine Boy Mouse - Large - Annalee 035905
Price: $29.00

Title: Be My Valentine - Dreamsicles 10642
Price: $31.38

Title: True Luv B. Mine - Boyds Plush 57004-01
Price: $19.00

Title: Aurora - Russ 29444
Price: $14.00

Title: Love Bunny - Annalee 030903
Price: $25.00

Title: Be Mine Forever - Dreamsicles 20199
Price: $27.00

Title: Nothing Is Stronger Than Our Love - Figurine and Vase - Precious Moments 114023
Price: $30.00

Title: Smoochie Poochie - Boyds Plush 82063
Price: $10.00

Title: Nothing Is Sweeter Than You - Cherished Teddies 0000802
Price: $15.00

Title: Valentine Topper Red - Poliday Ornaments AZ005
Price: $35.98

Title: Gift of Love Package Topper - Annalee 0307 99
Price: $22.00

Title: February - Cupie - SnoWonders 7724
Price: $25.00

Title: Mr. & Mrs. Trueheart Frame - Boyds Bearstones 82022
Price: $16.00

Title: Sleeve Heart - Christopher Radko Ornaments 1010142
Price: $29.00

Title: Lust - Poliday Ornaments BV01
Price: $25.00

Title: Oliver Bearlove - Boyds Plush 82024
Price: $21.00

Title: All My Hearts Cupid - Annalee 038703
Price: $34.87

Title: You Bet Your Boots I Love You - Precious Moments 120121
Price: $30.00

Title: I Will Chocolate Covered Cherish You - Annalee 029605
Price: $15.00

Title: Minx - Russ 20418
Price: $27.61

Title: You Warm my Heart Tealight Candleholder - Dreamsicles 12054
Price: $27.20

Title: Floral Delight - Dreamsicles 12026
Price: $34.87

Title: My Heart Is Yours - Dreamsicles 20301
Price: $7.00

Title: Love Secrets - Dreamsicles 20316
Price: $22.00

Title: I Will Chocolate Covered Cherrish You - Annalee 029604
Price: $25.00